martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Prepositions of Place

Where Can you Do these Things



Listening Exercise Giving Directions
Is There A Chemist Near Here?

Giving Directions

1) Look at this Vocabulary

3) Giving Directions Using a Map

Check the answers of the previous exercise on this video

4) More Directions

Identify those places in the square in the picture below

Complete T 9.12 & 9.13 with the correspondant audios below

T 9.12
T 9.13
Check Out These Ones

Prepositions Of Movement
Verbs + Prepositions

1) Means of Transport

2) Transport Collocation

3) Transport Collocation Explanation

4) Transport Collocation Exercise

Answer Key Previous Exercise

5) Trans Siberian Train

6) Transport Exercise 

Answer Key Previous Exercise

7) Listening Activity Transport Museuem Guide

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

align: center;"> Talking About A Career 

  Read And Listen The Following Job Interview To Complete Some Exercises on Page 99
Speaking Activity

Look for Some information about a famous Character And Be Ready To Share Some Relevant Aspects About That Character

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

Used To

Simpsons Summary

Speaking Activities


Look for Some information about a famous Character And Be Ready To Share Some Relevant Aspects About That Character


Listen to the following audio recording and identify:
 People involved in the conversation and their background / The setting / The reason they were in that place / Dates / 

In groups you are invited to retell the story and then upload that recording to the group.

We will listen to them in class.
More On Past Simple Stuff

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Preparation for the Test A1.2 Next Week

  • The audio recording is on the Whatsapp group
Preparation Test A1.2 Key

Vocabulary you might check for the test

Come over
Flea market
Hurry off
Lie (Not the opposite of telling the truth)

Suggested Speaking Activity, August the 12th

Listen to a woman tell 3 different stories (The link below). Choose 1 of them and send its summary, a voice message (minimum 60 seconds), either to the WhatsApp group or the teacher.

Note: That woman asks some questions after the 2 first stories, obviously that's not necessary for the summary

                                            Suggessted Reading & Listening Activity  

Audio Files to Complete the Exercises Below            

John Lenon 



Exercise 6.1 & 6.2 


martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

Common Irregular Verbs

Pete's Life


Complete Exercise 2 From the Previous Reading with the following Audios
Barbara Gordon Claudia The One Who Killed Jeremy
1) Telling A Story
2) Answer The Following Questions Based on the Previous Information

3) Listen and Say A or B

4) Identify Pronunciation Regular Verbs

5) Listen and Transcribe the Following Audio

6) Past Simple Pronounciation Regular verbs -ed

Ben's Transcription

Talking about a holiday

Exercises to Complete

Read the following letter & complete exercise 8

Listen to this audio and complete exercise 10